Verminian Trap poster

Verminian Trap


A game by
Music and sound
Marek Barej
Release date
September 9th, 2013
Single-screen arcade
Developed over
3 weeks
Creative Commons License: CC-BY-NC-ND

Early arcade gameplay now up to 4 players

SOS! Your space pod has made an emergency landing on a planet infested with giant insects from Verminest. Fight with your companions and survive while the hope of being evacuated by a rescue unit lasts.

The game

Verminian Trap is a single-screen maze shooter with the spirit of an early 80's arcade game.
Survive as much as you can while fighting endless waves of enemy bugs. It features three different game modes: a cooperativa and two competitive ones. To fully enjoy this game you'll need some friends around.

Key features



It's the second game of the Verminest saga after They came from Verminest.
It was inspired by classic arcade games like Wizard of Wor, Battle City, Tron, Pac-Man, Frogger
Verminian Trap
